Enacting Equity Through the Genre Approach: WIDA ELD Standards, 2020 Edition Training
Learn to recognize school genres and connect them to personal/work-life situations. PLUS get an overview of the WIDA 2020 standards.
The South East Education Cooperative (SEEC) of North Dakota presents a single-day training on Monday, May 16, 2022, in Fargo, ND.
AM: Understand how the standards are organized; the Big Ideas and the instructional shifts they facilitate; the standards components and their purposes in instructional design; and recognize genres in their own lives and those in content areas using Systemic Functional Linguistics.
PM: Unpack the Language Expectations, Language Functions and Features, and Annotated Mentor Texts and how they can be used in designing a unit of instruction. Participants will walk away with a mapped-out unit of instruction to apply their understanding of the standards components.
Click here for more information and to register.